Letters to the Editor
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Dear Editor: I read the two letters to the Editor in the Feb. 10 edition of your paper. I must say that Ms. Slepicka and Mr. O’Neill must only watch and read the “lame” media … more
Dear Editor,   I received this letter for the year 2025 Partners in Ministry.   A storm is coming. Batten down the hatches! We are headed into a season of intense … more
Dear Editor   It was so nice to see my classmates, Nancy and Jim, are doing well and posed questions in their “letters to the editor” that I feel I can answer. They may not … more
Dear Editor,   This letter is in regard to the quarter-page ad entitled Hitler’s Dictators’ Playbook published in the Jan. 30, 2025 edition of The Journal-News . The … more
Dear Editor,   This letter is being written to raise awareness of the request by Hillsboro Energy LLC to increase the earth dam height of the coal refuse site adjacent to the town of … more
Dear Editor, We moved to Irving from Granite City in 1996. Doug had built an airplane, but there was no hangar space in our area. The closest place was Hillsboro Airport. They had space, then by … more
Dear Editor,   Until now, I have been uncharacteristically silent concerning the Wooded Acreage Assessment issue because, as the old folk excuse goes, “I have no dog in this … more
Dear Editor,   Montgomery County has become quite appealing to outside entities that see it as a dumping ground for dangerous material, unwanted at its point of origin. Parts of … more
Dear Editor,   As taxpayers, we deserve better from the Montgomery County Assessment Office than what we have experienced since the retirement of former Supervisor of Assessments Ray … more
Dear Editor,   Christmas Day is fast approaching. If we left it up to the commercial world, it would be three months long. If we left it up to the Christans, it would be 12 months, 24 … more
Dear Editor,   Montgomery County is going to see huge new stresses on local roads, air quality and daily life. Deer Run Mine will be sending coal trucks to Springfield and possibly … more
Dear Editor, Fastflo in Hillsboro had the honor of doing 30 oil changes for veterans on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, for only the price of the oil filter. We could not have accomplished this without … more
Dear Editor, Thank you for consideration.  The system is broken. We are a government of checks and balances. The desperate need for this format could not be more obvious than it is right … more
To the Editor, Community support was again on display during the flea market, bake sale and vendor fair held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25-26, at The Lodge on Main in Hillsboro. The event … more
Dear Editor, The ninth Annual DAR trivia night is happening on Nov. 9. This event is the major fund raiser for the Christiana Tillson Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the … more
We the undersigned, wish to publicly announce our support for Bryant “Butch” Hitchings in his candidacy for Montgomery County. Resident Circuit Judge. Having known Bryant for many years, … more
Dear Editor, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the Montgomery County Assessor's recent decision to reclassify properties under the Wooded Acreage Classification for the 2024 … more
Dear Editor, When a presidential candidate for the United States says, “If I’m elected, we won’t have to vote again,” doesn’t that tell us something?! Paul … more
Dear Editor, Voting time is soon here. This year is more important than ever. Whoever is elected will determine where we are in the end times. It’s time to wake up from complacency. Listen … more
Dear Editor, Recently, I left my wallet at Aldi’s and went into a panic. All my ID, credit cards and some cash were in the wallet. Since they don't have a phone, I drove back that day to … more
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